The LCM Alumni Blog Admins thank Stam for all her help! :) Lander College Alumni: No Buses in Lander

Thursday, March 5, 2009

No Buses in Lander

But that doesn't mean Lander can't take part in brilliant inventions:

If Eric Forkosh has his way, the days of waiting on a street corner for the school bus to arrive will become a relic of the past. Forkosh, a junior at Rambam Mesivta High School in Lawrence, L.I., created Bus Alert!, a handheld unit that uses radio signals to alert students and parents when the school bus is arriving.

The 16-year-old entrepreneur came up with the concept while waiting for 15 minutes in the icy cold, only to discover that he had missed the bus. “There has to be a better way to go about it,” he thought to himself.

On a recent evening in February, Forkosh presented the Bus Alert! working prototype that he built himself to a panel of judges at the first annual Gryfe-Levy Student Entrepreneur of the Year Award. The competition was held at Touro College’s Graduate School of Business in Lower Manhattan and sponsored by Touro’s Lander College for Men division.

The Bus Alert! business plan won Forkosh the grand prize of $1,500, beating out 14 other finalists from eight yeshiva high schools in the New York metropolitan area.