The LCM Alumni Blog Admins thank Stam for all her help! :) Lander College Alumni: Playing - and Praying - in the Black, While Living in the Red

Monday, May 4, 2009

Playing - and Praying - in the Black, While Living in the Red

Ezzie Goldish, one of the Vice Chairmen of the Lander Alumni Council and the usual manager of the LCM Alumni blog, will be giving a presentation this Wednesday, May 6th at 8:00 PM at the Mt. Sinai Jewish Center in Washington Heights. The topic is "Playing - and Praying - in the Black, While Living in the RED", and will be focusing on the Jewish Economics Survey that he has been conducting (and will still be conducting).

You can take the (quick, anonymous) survey here: or here:

For more details and discussion regarding the survey and some of the results so far, please visit Ezzie's blog (SerandEz) here.